So, with 5 rows of ribbing done...

4:15 p.m. Okay, so maybe I won't add rows throughout. I will probably still add some through the crotch to add to the rise and the leg holes, but it's looking like a good size with the ribbing and about half of the back done. (Yes, I DID have a nap)

8:15 p.m. So, I thought I'd multitask and do a little knitting with the wees in the tub. Everybody got in, I got BS paste on the boys' heads, blew some bubbles for all three to catch and then commenced to knitting. I got a whopping two rows done before Holden pooped in the tub and I had to pull everybody out, drain, clean and refill. Now the boys are out & clean and Bailey's soaking and playing, so I should be able to pick it up again. Do they know I'm working on something?
11:25 p.m. Babes in bed, there's quiet in the house. Bailey conned Daddy into painting her toenails after her bath. He does good work. They were letting them dry while they read some of Harriet the Spy when I brought the boys up.
I've decreased my way down to the crotch, made the increases and I'm ready to start the front. Not bad for having cast on this morning, huh?

Pretty yarn! What is it?
It's 100PureWool merino in "Orchid". They have a store ( and an ebay store. I bought a bunch through a co-op last year that basically discounted the hanks about a $1.50 and really gave us a break on shipping, which is where the big cost seems to be. It's deliciously soft yarn, like cashmere.
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