My friend, Beth, posted yarn porn on her blog the other day. For any non-knitters, "yarn porn" is the pictorial of your
pillaging acquisition after a trip to the yarn store. This may be a term actually coined by Beth.
Of course, like any good porn viewed with no outlet at one's disposal, the yarn porn kept me up last night. Then, frustrated, I drifted off to dream of sock yarn. Handpainted sock yarn. Beautiful, flowing sock yarn, running through my fingers as I slipped a pointy, silver pin behind each perfect little stitch and... huh? where was I? Oh, right. Excuse me.
Anyway, today, we went to look at a lovely 110 year old upright piano, which we will be buying so the little children can take lessons and make wonderful music. The little children stayed with Auntie while we looked and we took the opportunity to
sneak to stop by
Inez's Stitchery, which, if you're ever in the Silver Spring area, you should really visit, as they are a proper yarn store, with lots of wool and inspirational, handwritten signs like "BLOCKING means WETTING". Heehee.
There was a lovely selection of sock yarn, though I managed to make all purchases in the
Brown Sheep family... hmmm.

Left, top to bottom: Wildfoote in Rock N' Roll (2), Bluegrass, and Ragtime.
Right, Nature Spun in Amethyst, Pagan Pink and Red Fox.
(Note the nifty little pointy sock pins. They say 4-ought on them, but they're bigger than that. I'll have to gauge, but I'm guessing 0 or 1)
Please note that, while Beth's porn is of the highest quality, a classic in its own time, mine is more of the campy, homemade variety. Do not despair for me, however; the hubby is currently working "stashtime" (that's overtime that he knows is going to be converted) for the Sheep & Wool Festival, only three months away! Come mother's day weekend, I'll be like a repressed divorcee turned loose at Hedonism!
I can't wait to finish my other socks, which I'm knitting by the "whack" as the Harlot would say (there are 4 socks in a pair for the boys) in lovely handspun 70 wool/30 mohair sportweight. More on those when they're officially FOs and I can have my way with the new stuff.