I'm sure I've bee doing stuff, too. For instance, by some odd alignment of the planets, the Wees all decided Santa was an OK guy this year. Go figure.
The rest all blurs together, though.
The holidays seemed to sneak up. One minute, I was proudly declaring that my shopping was almost done, a month or so early... the next I was wondering if I had ordered things for people on Christmas morning. It's gotta be that short attention span thing again.
(what was I saying?)
Plus, I have new obsessions (not people, that's creepy)
Tie-nappies. They rock. No pins, no poop on wool. Whoever came up with this little wonder should be kissed passionately, several times. I'll start.
Merino. Love it. 'nuff said.
Crepes. There is nothing you can't do with a crepe. Leftovers become magical. People think you're enormously cool, even though you're only cleaning out your fridge. Love the crepes. Embrace the crepes. You, too, can be very cool while cleaning out the fridge. It's multitasking.
Curricula. I need to stay away from the home school catalogs. The obsession is becoming unhealty. It's also beginning to squeeze us out of our dining room.
Catalogs. Oh, my god. They're almost as good as getting STUFF from catalogs. I love catalog stuff, too, but just getting catalogs is nearly as much fun and much more economical.
Of course I still have the same love-affair with my washer and dryer. Every time I turn them on and they make that little happ-to-see-you noise, I get all fuzzy again.
More evidence I need a life.